Puppy Mill?? |
I've been thinking about posting this for a few days and today I finally made the decision to do it. A few weeks ago I was reading the news paper at lunch and came across this ad in the paper. Being a Weimaraner owner this caught my eye immediately, especially since I've been thinking about getting an weim puppy or another rescue. I showed this to Amy to look at and we decide to call them to find out what's the deal. Now let me set the story straight before I explain this story...we would NEVER BUY a puppy from anyone other than a respected breeder or a rescue...period. As I thought about this ad for a few days I finally decided to call them to feel them out .. you know, kinda wanted to see what was going on...
Here is a little how the phone call went.
Me: Hello, I'm calling about the Weimaraners you have in the paper. Can you tell me about them?
Them: Sure, we have 10 available
Me: Wow 10
Them: Yes, we have a little from August and one from September.
Me: Oh, so they're older?
Them: Yes
Me: Are the parents on premise?
Them: Yes
Me: Are they silver or Blue or both?
Them: Ahh...ahhh... they're your standard grayish color.
Me: Do they have hip OFA certificates with them?
Them: Hip certificates? what do you mean?
Me: You know, have they been certified or the parents been certified?
Them: No, sorry they have not.
Me: Are they AKC registered?
Them: Yes they are
Me: Where are the puppies?
Them: They're kept in a kennel. We have a kennel in the garage
Me: How about socialization?
Them: What do you mean/
Me: How have they been socialized?
Them: ugh.. uh... ahhh.. My husband and I carfe for them.. well, my husband and I have been working a lot lately so they haven't really been well socialized. They're a little shy.....
Me: Okay, goodbye - CLICK
My wife called MWR to see what if anything can be done... and unfortunately nothing can be done. All we can do is keep the number on hand and contact these people to see WHEN they'll be getting rid of the pups. As they get older it gets more difficult to sell them... and without being socialized the dogs are headed for disaster...
These people have like 10 puppies, all are almost 5-6 months old already!! We fear the worse for them.
What would you do? I personally have been thinking I should go see them and talk with this lady to let them know if they run into any issues they can let me know and I can help them surrender the dogs to a rescue.....
What to do? I look forward to your comments.