December 19, 2011

Meet Jasper!

Welcome Home Jasper!!

        Well.... Since having to put Glacier down this past summer we've been thinking about getting another dog. We've discussed it quite a few time and we've been actively looking for another addition to our family but we decided that we'd hold off for a little while because we already had two active pups (Darby & Bailey), and two pups are easier than three active pups.... right?

With the sudden passing of Darby a little over a week ago we knew in our hearts it was time to get another. This past week was difficult for Bailey, she's been very depressed this past week and we can tell she missed Darby as much as we do. The timing was right and Jasper fell into our lives the same day Darby died... fate?

It's been a long time since we've had a puppy, just about 14 years to be exact. It's going to be trying, it will be a challenge no doubt... but we are dedicated to being successful. We're dedicated to making Jasper successful as well. He's been home with us for two days now and he's beginning to fit right in. He sleeps, eats, pees, poops, plays and chews... just like any puppy. He's just 8 weeks old and has lots to learn. Right now he's on about a 2 hour shift at night to go out so no one is really sleeping. We're getting him use to his crate and that will take a little time but we're doing it. In two days he's only had 2 accidents in the house (our fault) but if you take him outside, he goes! Bailey is starting to get use to the idea he is not a toy and is starting to show signs of playfulness with Jasper. They'll be great playmates for sure!

    This past summer we almost rescued an Australian Shepherd but it ended up falling through when we didn't hear back from the local owner. Through that time we were able to research the breed and have quickly fallen in love with it and we firmly believe it is a great breed for us. It's amazing how everything falls into place.

For the past 8 years we've been rescuing dogs, specifically Weimaraners. We've come to love the breed, the activity level, and the rescue we've been working with.... after all, we're still weim owners. It was a tough decision to go with a breed other than a weim because they've been such a big part of who we are. To be quite honest, because of the "bloat" factor, we're a bit gun-shy of the top breeds that are associated with common bloating issues. Maybe we're trying to play it safe?? Below is a reference list we've found and in our experience this seems to be pretty accurate. We've lost 2 weims in recent years to bloat and growing up I lost a German Shepherd to bloat and honestly don't know if we can deal with it again. It's been pretty traumatic for our family including the kids.

Great article on bloat - Click the link below


December 15, 2011

Thank You

Darby - RIP 12/9/2011
       We just wanted to take a chance to say thanks to everyone that wished us well in the tough time. Losing Darby to bloat was very difficult. Bloat is a scary thing, something every single one of us Weim families fear. It's tragic and quick and that's want makes it even worse. One minute they're fine, the next they're in distress.

We did everything "anti-bloat" by the book with our weims since losing Kam. We had scheduled feeding, drinks, relax time, diet, all that stuff. On the morning of Darby's death she was fine. She was sick and vomited a few time during the day but she also layed with Amy and slept as well. In the middle of the night she started going downhill quick. We made the call to the vet down the street at 1:00am but they were in surgery and could not take Darby in. We found another emergency vet 45 minutes away but by the time I got there it was to late and I was forced to make a decision that I didn't want to. I came home that night by myself.

No one knows exactly what causes bloat. Amy and I were fortunate enough to run into one of the best vet's in the country this past weekend (Dr. Robert Hutchison) and we had the chance to discuss bloat with him. His office (actually his son - Dr. Randy Hutchison ) is one of the few doctors in the country that performs a non-invasive stomach-tacking that prevents torsion (or twisting) of the stomach during bloat. Once your dog starts to bloat and the stomach twists the surgery will cost you $5,000!! That's right, 5-grand! lot's of zeros. For about 20% of that you can be proactive and have this surgery performed and save your pet's life. If they bloat and you get to a vet they can tube the dog and release the gas....the dog won't die that horrific death which is commonly associated with bloat. you can contact them below - I wanted to share this info.

Animal Clinic Northview
36400 Center Ridge Road
North Ridgeville, OH 44039
Ph: 440.327.8282 Fax: 440.353.0331
Emergencies: 440.452.7743

It seem to me that $1000 is worth the investment.. after all, I took Darby to the vet and came home without here for $500... You do the calculation.

Also, I should mention that we are in the process of overhauling this blog to bring something special within the next few days or week....or so.... So stay tuned and see what's next.

December 9, 2011

Time to say goodbye

There comes a time to say goodbye, today is that day.
Darby - 12/09/2011

Just hours ago we were forced to put Darby down as we were faced with a second case of bloat this year. This time around it got the best of here. We rushed her to the emergency vet at 1:00am but by the time we got there it was to late...
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