January 10, 2011

What do you shoot?

         Back at it! That's right.. I'm back in the driver's seat once again and will soon be back out shooting after being away for a while. I made a decision to get away from shooting for the past 8 months or so and it's been killing me.... I didn't miss it at first, but for the past few weeks I've been going crazy thinking about it and what a terrible decision I had made. I've made more sacrafices and ended up with a new camera.

I've shot Nikon cameras for the past few years and have now switched over to Canon. A good friend of mine swears by Canon as well as studio so I thought I'd try it out for a while. I picked up the Canon EOS 50D and should have it in production this weekend! WooHoo! I'm excited! So far from what I've seen playing around with this camera I think I'm really going to enjoy it.

Look for many more images of the Weims soon!


Sagira said...

My husband shoots a Nikon D300S I think?

Sean said...

I also have a D300, but picked up the Canon for something a little different.... good deal too!

Jeremy said...

Yes its a D300s Chris. ^_^

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