December 16, 2010

Feeding Time = Crazy

      I wanted to talk a little about food & food bowls today..... You can clearly see by watching the video above that Darby loves her food... she has a slight food aggression (however only vocal) and she tries to eat it FAST because she thinks someone is going to take it. Trust me, I DON'T WANT IT!  We've been working with with Darby for two years now and believe me when I tell you she has come a long way from when we brought her home. She would NEVER let me stick my hand in there two years ago!!

          I think the bowl in the video is a requirement (at least for our pups) because you can clearly see how it slows Darby down. Without this food dish Darby & Bailey would have the food gone in seconds. They're only about $6-8 for the medium size bowl and the piece of mind is worth much more. You can find this bowl online just about anywhere

    We're more cautious these days because we lost a Weim (Kam) to bloat a few years ago and we take all precautions possible to try to prevent it. Reality is once you lose a dog to bloat it will be on your mind forever. We constantly worry about it....

  As far as food goes, we've been looking at our options for months now and just keep buying the same stuff. Food is expensive when buying decent stuff, period! We feed our Weims Natural Balance Sweet Potato and Fish. It's Grain Free and it's about $50 for 28lb bag. We go through about 2 or 3 bags a month for 3 dogs. Bailey and Darby get 2 cups in the morning, and 2 in the evening... Same routine every day. We buy our food from Petco and every 10th bag is free so it works out to about $45/bag overall not to mention we get a few coupons here and there as well.

It seems to keep them at a steady weight with their activity level (which is low) and we do not feed them table scraps at all (unless they steal it). They do get treats here and there but that's about it. I've looked all over and called every feed mill to see what they have available and every single one of them have grain filler... Why doesn't anyone sell grain-free food in bulk? We've tried a few other brands but we keep coming back to the Natural Balance. We notice that while on this food there is no eye boogers, their coat looks great, they have no gas (well, almost none - yuk!), the dogs don't smell (yes on cheap food the dogs stink, and I don't mean gassy... they physically stick!), and their poop is firm.... no messy yard to try to clean up....

What food do you feed your pups? And why? Cost? Where do you get it from?


Sagira said...

Wow, very cool bowl. Might need to get that for our Aussie pup. He inhales his food...he eats even faster than Starr (our Weim).

We feed our youngest 2 Orijen. We chose that food because it is supposed to be one of the best foods out there. It is supposed to be as close to a raw diet that you can feed. It is pretty expensive though and why we don't feed it to all of our dogs. Our older dogs eat Pedigree. They have been on it for all their life and would hate to change it on them now.

Sean said...

We never tried that food, what is the price?

Anyway, we did the raw diet for Darby when we got her, however her teeth are way too bad and she cracked a molar on a bone... then infection set in, vet visit, they wanted to remove the tooth for $400, then they decide it was risky because of how deep the tooth is. So they put her on antibiotics for the infection to see how it goes. She was fine after the infection was gone. Still has the tooth. (:

Anonymous said...

We use a slow feed for June because she gobbles her food. Blue did bloat when we first adopted him but he's not a gobbler; it was stress induced...

We feed Natural Balance too! We get it at Petco. I actually work P/T for NB so I always have coupons. DH works at Petco so we get a double discount!

Sean said...

Kam bloated form stress too... he was high strung. As far as NB, we keep going back to it... The dogs love it as do we.

Send those coupons our way! We spend $150-200 a month on it!

Sean said...

Only wish they sold it in larger bags or bulk... 100lbs or so or 50lb bags. Can it be bought bulk? Anyone deliver it free?

Ashley said...

That bowl is a great idea!
I feed Sol Acana- lucky for me its produced locally.
I think its about $50 for a big bag

Ashley said...

I forgot to comment about the tooth incident that was mentioned above- we used to give Sol raw marrow bones and he LOVED them. Well I was checking his teeth and noticed he's chipped his canine.. it doesn't seem to bother him but I am worried for the future. If it does get infected I guess that means they'll usually want to pull it? I cant imagine putting a cap on a dog's tooth?

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